Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Same Thing, Different Day

Basically I do the same things everyday and not much changes. Cody is at the rifle range most of the day I take him at 3 am and pick him up whenever he calls. I clean, clean, and clean some more. It seems like my house is never clean even though that is all I do. I want a job so bad, I can't stress that enough. I am a person who needs to keep busy and I am going crazy sitting here. Ugh... hopefully something soon though.

Last night Cody and I played Call of Duty Team Deathmatch and I always do good at the beginning and then suck it up at the end. I'm sure is someone watched us play they would be entertained. We call each other some mean names and hit each other but we don't really mean it, it is just fun and games. We applied for a loan at the bank yesterday for Cody to get a motorcycle, a Honda CBR 250R to be exact and we are suppose to find out today if he was approved then we can go get the bike. Then we are going to get gear like helmets, gloves, jackets and I have been looking at some stuff online and I am crazy excited. I am scared to ride a little since I have never been on a bike but I kind of feel like a badass. hahaha it just sounds fun to pull up some place and get off the back of Cody's bike. I don't know maybe I am a nerd. I just don't want to die... o_0      <---I love that little face