Sunday, February 20, 2011

Epic Fail

Okay so I epically failed at blogging again. oppsss... I'm going to try a little harder this time.
So I got two calls from Cody today from the lovely Afghanistan. Lately he is so grumpy when he calls and I just want him to be happy to talk to me but I'm sure it's not me that makes him grumpy it's lack of sleep, dealing with people, stress, etc. but I'm the person who stresses themselves out way more than is neccesary. On the bright side I am half way through this deplyment 15 weeks to go which I am so excited about but lately I have been so depressed about Cody being gone. Crying, just not wanting to do ANYTHING, it is so crazy but I guess it's like climbing up the hill and I am now at the top working my way downhill. I don't have school tomorrow so Cody is going to call me one last time before he goes on another mission. The only thing different about this mission is it is the final one and it is going to last 2 months. Which of course means no more phone calls, no more contact until May/June. I'm so not ready for that.
Well I guess I can quit procastinating my Anatomy Project and get started.
P.S. Sorry for the bad english and grammar I'm too lazy to fix it :D