Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy Weekend

Well, Friday I helped at my church for Project Share. We raised money to buy food for 1200 for a week. On Friday we packed all 1200 boxes in about an hour and a half. It is crazy what God can do. We raised $100,000 total and it is being split up into different things. One thing is to build five houses in La Ceiba, Honduras. I want to go there and help so bad but there are no more spot. :(  I think it would be amazing and rewarding.
Saturday I worked 4 a.m. every Saturday I work on a cow farm, milking cows. It's not as bad as it sounds though. You just push a button and a machine milks them it comes off and you let them out. It might sound crazy but it gives me gas money so I'm happy. I went to my Father In Law's wedding, it was nice and small. I'm glad I went because my husband's other siblings were being stubborn and didn't go so my prescence made my FIL very happy. I just wish Cody was there with us.
Sunday I went to church (I'm a person of constant routines) and back to my dad's. I played house and doctor with my four year old niece. She is so adorable. Normally I hate playing house and such with her it's so exhausting and I definetly don't have as big of an imagination as her. But since I got married I realized I needed to make as many memories now that I can with her and my other 3 year old niece. I will be living far away and see them a few times a year. I'm working on making sure I spend a lot of time with my family before I move away to big bad California. lol
Today, I had boring old school. I honestly can not wait for graduation, I know people say you'll want this back but me no way. I can not stand those people.
I haven't heard from Cody since last Sunday the 12th, but I'm trying not to worry too much about it. Maybe I'll get a call tonight or sometime soon. Hopefully on Christmas though, you never know. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well... to start it all off

Well I am going to give this blogging thing a try. I might epically fail at it or do awesome I'm not sure. I tried before but I had to use it for a blog at school where we are told what to write about and it is really boring. So I'm going to give it a try again.

This will be my place to complain, vent, just my place to talk I guess, hopefully it works out well. Today I am going to start by complaining probably not thte best way to start off your first blog but ohh... well.

It will be two months since I have last seen Cody tomorrow and he has been in afghanistan for about a month and a half. I get to talk to him about once a week normally for 20-30 minutes late saturday night or early sunday morning. That's it and I;m sure for some military spouses it's more than they have ever talked and for other spouses military or civilian it sounds crazy. But to get to my complaining point, I have a younger sister who sees her boyfriend 3-5 times a week and talks to him most nights for how many ever hours. She complains about missing him and when she can't go to his house or see him cries. She is fourteen and throws a fight like a two year old. I want to blow up on her so bad and tell her how I'm not crying because Cody's gone and on the other side of the world could die any second, I only talk to him every so often and the weekends I sit and wait for a call if I don't get one I go on with my week waitng for the next weekend hoping for a call, I haven't seen him in two months and only spent 45 hours with him after we got married then i had to drive him to the airport and let him go while he flew back to California. I won't be able to see him for about five more months. ugh... it is so frustrating listening to her say "I miss him so much" what the heck! you just left his house. My second example I want to complain about, girls at school. They hang out with their boyfriends every night and stay the night with them some nights and if they can't see them one day just ONE day all hell breaks loose. Do you know how happy I would be to see Cody for one day? They are so frustrating, I will say to them well at least you can still talk to him all night or you'll see him tomorrow but they don't care. I know I chose this life and I knew exactly what I was getting into but golly people can get on my nerves.