Thursday, March 31, 2011

North Carolina, ready or not here I come

first off i want to say sorry for any spelling mistakes in this post because I am typing this on my phone since my laptop is packed for north carolina and my "D" button only works half the time. I am going to topsail island an islan close to camp lejeune/ geiger.  we went there the first time to visit Cody who was in ITB at Camp Geiger and absolutely love it. my mom, step dad, sister, sister's friend, two cousins and I are staying in a house right on the beach which we have stayed in before so we alreay know  what it is like. we leave tonight at 11 and I am so ready to get away from this town, go to a warmer area and relax. my next trip will be to california. wahoo I can't wait to move.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Phone Calls Are The Greatest and ABC

CODY CALLED! I'm so excited and it happened almost 24 hours ago. He stole the satellite phone and called me. I was so happy even though it was 4 in the morning just to hear his voice could have been the greatest thing in the world. He was in the greatest mood and so happy about what he was doing over there. He obviously couldn't talk about a lot of it but I know he is doing the "hardcore" stuff he has wanted to. I couldn't go back to sleep but I didn't care. The only thing that sucked is when he had to go he pretty much just hung up and didn't say he loved me but I know he does so it is all good. I can't wait for him to come home though. It seems like it has been forever yet again it seems like the time is really flying by. I have 29 days of actual school left which is absolutely amazing then graduation day (May 29) I have graduation, open house, then driving to California with my mommy. :D I'm so excited then like a day or two after I get there Cody will be there. Eckk... I'm so ecstatic that the end is near.

So, I stole this from It's Mrs. Haynes To You. I thought it was a good idea and I'm definitely bored waiting for the season finale of Teen Mom 2 to come on.

A age: 17 (as Cody says "a young buck"
B bed size: Full, but a California King when Cody comes home :D
C chore you hate: hmm... I love cleaning but picking dog poop out of the yard sucks lol
D dogs: yes, my little baby Odie

E essential start to your day: Shower
F favorite color: Pink
G gold or silver: White Gold
H height: 5'4"
I instruments you play: none
J job title: Student/Milk Technician (cow milker with a machine not by hand)
K kids: Someday, ONLY ONE
L live: Michigan, Soon to be California
M mom's name: Susan
N nicknames: Baby or Snugglebug to Cody and Kate to ONLY my dad's family
O overnight hospital stays: Never
P pet peeves: repetitive sounds such as tapping a pen on a desk, I have a lot though with my OCD
Q quote from a movie: that's a hard one, right now
Love & Other Drugs: "you meet a thousand people then you meet that one person and your life is changed... forever"
R right- or left-handed: right
S siblings: Two Sisters, Gabi and Elizabeth; One Brother, Andrew
T time you wake up: Monday-Friday: 6 a.m.; Saturday: 4 a.m.; Sunday: 8:30ish a.m.
U underwear: Victoria Secrets are my favorite
V vegetables you dislike: artichokes or the other weird gross one no one eats
W what makes you run late: Over stressing myself
X x-rays you've had: does an MRI of my back count?
Y yummy food you make: Tator Tot Casserole
Z zoo - favorite animal: I think I love them all, but I really really really want to pet/feed a Giraffe 


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is It June Yet?

There's not much to write about since I haven't talked to Cody in a while. I've been keeping busy with all the reports due at school, working the few hours I do, and slowly packing my stuff. I have about 10 weeks left and I can not wait. I want to move so bad, I want to be a wife and do stuff like cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and grocery shopping. I know it is crazy that I think that sounds like fun but I really am super duper excited.
I think my brain might be depleting. I can't remember things at all and I transpose numbers all the time in Math class. I feel kind of crazy but I think it might be stress between Cody being gone, school, and trying to make everyone here happy. Ohh... well life goes on and soon he will be home, school will be over, and I will be out of here. Sounds good to me I am so ready. 67% done with this deployment. :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Little Things

I was just driving down the road and I drove past a place where Cody dodged a car then a sign (with his mad driving skills, see why he now drives a 14 ton vehicle) so we wouldn't get in a car accident and literally started laughing to myself. It is so crazy when I do that; I'll be in a restaurant or a store and see something that reminds me of Cody and I'll tell whoever I am with the whole story. I feel like people are getting bored with me always telling stories about Cody, but he is my whole life. I am kinda running out of stories since I haven't talked to him in a little over a week. This is just the start of this long mission and I am so ready for him to just get done and get over home. I want my snugglebug.
I have 80 days left of this deployment and I cannot wait for it to be over. I feel like it will go by a little faster here since I have senior trip week, then spring break, then about a month or so until graduation. The day after graduation I am off to California whether Cody is heading there or not. I will be waiting for him. It seems like it is going slow but yet fast. I don't know I am just so ready for this all to be over with. I get asked a lot from family if I am scared. Is it weird that I'm not? I just want to get out of here and do something else with my life, experience something other than a small town in Michigan. Hopefully the time starts ticking a little faster. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So I have been working out to get into shape for when Cody gets home. I want a Megan Fox body since Cody thinks she so hot.  Anyways, my lovely friend Veronica suggested after working out we stay for the kickboxing class. Sounds harmless right? ha The lady was 50-60 and was kicking butt. I couldn't even keep up with her or half the people in the class. I stood in the back of the room with the other newish people. I was doing a jump thing and the crazy lady came right in my face telling me that I could do it and to get my legs up higher. I felt like I was on Taebo but 10 times harder. Needless to say I quit after a half hour and my body ached so bad today, but I still went and did my normal workout.
Another issue is I've been wanting to eat healthier or to not necessarily lose weight but to not gain any, but haven't found a way to do so. I tried the Special K diet which I heard is bad for a long term diet due to lack of nutrition; I tried eating yogurt, fruit, and granola for breakfast and lunch then a good dinner but now the texture of yogurt makes me gag. Any suggestions?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

5 Things I Didn't Know About Afghanistan

Okay, so I failed again at writing at a consistent pace. About 2 weeks ago we had a huge ice storm and lost power from Sunday night through Thursday. It was horrid to say the least, I had to find somewhere to take a shower every night, I still flipped light switches on and off as I walked in and out of the rooms. All I have to say is Thank God for Generators; they kept me sane. I bought a new computer with mine and Cody's tax return. It is a Macbook Pro and I am really happy with it, I originally bought a Macbook Air then when I got home realized it did not have a disk drive. Really? Why on earth you wouldn't put one on a computer still blows my mind. Anyways onto my topic of the day
5 Things I Didn't Know About Afghanistan Before The Deployment:
1. When you get a phone call it is only six digits. Ex: 801-436
2. It is actually cold there, people think it's a desert and it is always hot but Cody has called me shivering because of how cold it is
3. The Arabs try to buy African American Marines as slaves
4. They don't have daylight savings. I was awfully confused when Cody called and the difference in time was different than before. (9 1/2 hour difference after fall back; 8 1/2 after spring forward)
5. Camp Leatherneck does not have a Microwave. They have T.V., Computers, Xbox, PS3, and whatever else you can think of and no microwave. I don't know it's weird to me.

I just thought I would share some things that are a little crazy to me, if I think of any more I will be sure to add them. I just talked to Cody about a half an hour ago and it was so lovely to hear his voice and made me so happy until I had to get off the phone with him then it kind of made me depressed that I won't be able to talk to him for the next 2 months or so. On the bright side when he gets back from this mission he will be getting ready to pack up and come home. Yay! I'm so excited words can not describe. I can't wait to start my life with him, it seems like I've been waiting for it forever and now it is just months away. 13 weeks to be exactish :)
Ohh... Today I got a tattoo let me know what you think ;)  It's by my hip bone, sorry my phone sucks at taking pictures.